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VAPT – Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing

Were you aware that unattended vulnerabilities will expose your company to data leakage/ theft and can result in costly downtime?

Is there a way to assess penetration into my network in a controlled manner to identify weaknesses in my security architecture?

A Vulnerability Assessment (VA) is an automated scan of your network infrastructure that allows the customer to view the security status of its systems to any known vulnerabilities. With this objective, automatic scans are used to carry out a series of checks on every system/application to understand their configuration in detail and detect any vulnerability. These checks function at a high rate using this automated software resulting in covering a wide perimeter in a short period. Additionally, the usage of automated tools makes it impossible to extend checks beyond the vulnerabilities for which the specific tool is. To check the real possibilities, an attacker would have to exploit the vulnerabilities.

To fill that gap, Syscloudtech also offers its expertise in the field of Penetration Testing (PT). During a Penetration test, intrusion simulations are carried out using different attack scenarios and combining manual techniques with automated tools.

VAPT Services

We offer two types of Network Penetration Testing

• External Network VAPT

• Internal Network VAPT


One of the most prevalent penetration testing activities from start-ups to world-leading organizations, is External Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT), typically targeting internet-facing websites. As we provide services for vulnerability assessments and penetration testing for all scale enterprises; scanning of external-facing network resources is crucial, and a high priority. But we also challenge you to understand that scanning alone is not enough unless all you want is a checkmark for an audit of one kind or another.

Syscloudtech offers you a thorough job of assessing the hardness of your external network, which consists of several phases realized per OSSTMM. This black box type of penetration test executed from the perspective of an unethical attacker who does not have any information about testing topology and services.

Our VAPT Services includes but is not limited to:

Information collection – all information related to the target system is obtained, classified, and analyzed, including the version of the webserver, modules used, programming platform, WAF, and access points to the application.

Enumeration and Scanning of Vulnerabilities – employing intrusive methods and techniques, potential vulnerabilities are recognized using special scanners, fault-injection proxies as well as manual verification. Vulnerability control – application of security scan to detect existing vulnerabilities in services identified during TCP/UDP port-scan.

Penetration – an attempt to exploit available vulnerabilities, insufficient configuration. For penetration to other systems and devices, an increase of user rights and access to resources.

Use of vulnerabilities – attempt to gain access by using vulnerabilities identified in the previous phase of testing. The goal is to gain user access or privileged (Administrator) access to the application or operating system by using individually customized scripts and exploit methodology.

Testing of mail server – in addition to the screening of known vulnerabilities, several detailed SMTP tests are executed to verify any relaying problems of the Exchange Servers. All the possibilities for abuse of the SMTP servers by spammers and the resistance of server to potential DOS attacks discovery are verified. Additionally, vulnerabilities and weaknesses of any anti-virus and anti-spam implementations that could be potentially exploitable are discovered.

Testing DNS zones – In addition to the testing of known vulnerabilities of the concrete implementation of the DNS server, tests are executed for consistency of all the zones on all DNS servers. The possibility of public zone transfer and vulnerability of DNS caching attacks are checked as well.


Most organizations assume that attackers are outside their network and, therefore, only need to take care of their perimeter security. Unfortunately, this assumption is the source of many data leaks affecting organizations. An internal network penetration testing can help understand how a single infected computer or stolen credentials or rogue employees can undermine your organization’s security.

Syscloudtech Internal Penetration Testing campaign includes both automation testing and manual testing with a standard ratio of 1:9, respectively, to perform its services effectively.

Some of the techniques used are associated with vulnerability scanning to perform tests are automated, such as:

• Network scanning using various methods (e.g., SYN scans, UDP scans, ACK scans)

• Vulnerability scanning to identify multiple low-hanging vulnerabilities

• Specialized network scanning for specific protocols (such as SIP, IPMI, and SNMP)

For a Penetration Test to be beneficial, we perform many manual tests allowing us to simulate real attackers which includes, but not limited to:

• Man-in-the-Middle attacks

• The exploitation of software that has not been hardened or securely configured

• Exploitation and demonstration of known vulnerabilities which are typically detected through network scanning but not verified

• Pass-the-hash (PtH) attacks, lateral movements, NTLM offline brute force, credential dumping, etc.

• Default or weak credentials

• Lack of network access control and proper network segmentation

• Ways to bypass or abuse security solutions

• Obvious security issues within the target software (low hanging fruit)


• Prevents unnecessary and expensive downtime and data theft by providing you with early warning security intelligence.

• Helps your organization to be upbeat in preventing attacks

• Help meet regulatory and compliance requirements

• Customized reports will help you take both strategic and tactical decisions
